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SoulCollage® is a creative and satisfying collage process. You make your own deck of cards—each collage card representing one aspect of your Soul. Use the cards intuitively to answer life’s questions and participate in self-discovery. Joyfully deepen your understanding of the relationships between your personality parts, you and your family/community/world, and you and your dreams, symbols, and Spirit. SoulCollage® is a process which begins as simple creative fun, but which suddenly may surprise and awaken you! Learn how to access your intuition and create an incredible deck of cards with deep personal meaning.
“It is a tangible way to know yourself in your diversity and depth, and also to show yourself to others. Showing your deck of SoulCollage® cards to another person can be a profound experience. In like-spirited groups, you can share cards and work with them in sacred ways. You can consult them intuitively and discover wisdom within yourself which will amaze you. Besides all this, creating them is just plain fun! You will love your deck -- a multi-card Mirror of Self and your Soul -- whether it consists of three cards or a hundred.”
~ Seena B. Frost, SoulCollage® Founder
1000 S. State Street, Suite 301
Lockport, IL 60441
Tues - Fri 10 - 2:30 Sat 9 - 4
by appointment